Forrest & Love - Karafla handgerð úr kopar - 1200 ML

  • 8.940 kr
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Karaflan er partur af Luxury línunni frá Forrest & Love.  Hún er handgerð úr kopar og er með hömruðu mynstri.  

Karaflan er mjög smart og sómir sér mjög vel hvar sem er, eins og á borðstofuborði, náttborði.  Hún er mjög  hagnýt, þar sem einnig er hægt að nýta lokið sem glas.

Karfalan er einungis ætluð fyrir vatn, ekki, sódavatn, gos eða heita drykki.

Falleg Gjöf.

Jógar hafa drukkið vatn úr kopar  í margar aldir og koparvatnsílát hafa lengi verið samtvinnuð við meginreglur Ayurvedic.

Forrest & Love línan er hönnuð í Munchen og gerðar af hópi handverksfólks á Indlandi. Starfsmenn fyrirtækisins fara á 3-6 mánaða fresti til Indlands og heimsækja handverksmennina og skoða aðbúnað og vinnuaðstöðu fólksins.  Öll framleiðsla fer fram samkvæmt TUV stuðlum, löggildingu fyrir efni og matvælaöryggi.

Sjá nánari umfjöllun hér fyrir neðan 


  • Úr kopar
  • Best er að handþvo í volgu sápuvatni
  • Kemur í umhverfisvænum umbúðum
  • Margnota
  • Handsmíðað
  • Framleitt í Indlandi 
  • Lekaþolinn
  • Stærð: 1200 ml 
  • Umhverfisvænar pakningar


  • Forrest & Love is a small, independent family company, co-founded by entrepreneurs Shamika an Rohit, that has started a designer revolution in the field of Eco Fashion and Green Living. Although they are small they have big goals - striving at competing with some of the world´s biggest and most powerful corparations and their vision is about supporting organic over pesticides, handicrafts over machines and quality over mass market consumerism.

    Forrest & Love produce a range of artisan copper water bottles and glasses-products that are not only beautiful items in their own right, but also offer strong health benefits. Studies have shown that copper is anti-bacterial, acts as an effective anti-oxidant, improves immunity, supports good health, prevents ageing, eliminates toxins and free radicals, and stimulates the brain.

    Yogis have been drinking copper water since ancient times. In line with Ayurvedic principles, water stored in copper bottles balances the three doshas in our body (vata, kapha and pitta) by gently infusing the water with positive health properties of copper. The stored water will also turn into natural alkaline water, which helps balance our body's pH levels.

    The products are designed in Munich and then hand crafted by Forrest & Love's small family run team of artisans in India which produces exclulively for Forrest & Love under regulated procsesses and quality requirements.

    Forrest & Love also visit the facility every 3-6 months. Each item is made of pure, high-grade copper and TUV Certified for material and food safety. The bottles have a copper lid with a removable silicone seal, so are also plastic free. Although they are described as leakproof we prefer to say ''leak resistant'' to ensure consumers take care when transporting their bottle - it is always safer that way!

    Copper is a soft metal but these beautiful items will, if well handled, last a lifetime and can be passed to the next generation. With usage the inner surface will turn darker due to oxidation, but this will not impair the water quality.