Ilmkjarnaolía lemon 12ml Lífrænt Vottað
Sítróna er einn af vinsælustu sítrus ávöxtunum og er mjög rík í C-vítamíni. Olían er eimuð úr berki sitrónunar.
Olían er örverueyðandi og sótthreinsandi og það gerir hana mjög vinsælt innihaldsefni í sótthreinsi/hreinsiformúlum og er hún einnig skordýrafælandi.
- 100% hrein sítrónuolía
- Olían er eimuð úr berki sítrónunar
Lemon olían er góð við:
- Olían getur hjálpar við að hressa mann við og minnka stress.
- Lemon olían er rík af C-víamín, andoxunarefnum og örverueyðandi efnum, auk þess að vera sótthreinsandi og getur því verið verið góð hjálp á minniháttar sár og bólur.
- Athugið að gæludýr eru yfirleitt ekkert æst í ilmkjarnaolíur, þannig ekki er æskilegt að vera að setja á þau eða nálægt þeim í miklu magni.
Lemon olían á meðgöngu:
- Einnig eru dæmi um að lemon olían hafi hjálpað konum við morgunógleði á meðgöngunni.
*ATH samt að þó ilmkjarnaolíurnar hafi marga góða kosti, þá er aldrei mælt með þeim í stað þess að leita aðstoðar hjá Fagfólki, s.s lækni, hjúkrunarfr. eða ljósmóður, þar sem það á við. Olíurnar geta verið góð viðbót.
Land uppruna: Ítalía.
Stærð: 12ml
Lífrænt vottað.
Leiðbeiningar: Hægt er að nota olíuna fyrir heilsu og heimili, t.d. sem herbergis sprey, í heitt bað, sem nuddolíu og í olíu lampa. Notið ekki meira en 5-10 dropa af ilmkjarnaolíu fyrir hverja 20 ml af grunnolíum (sem dæmi: möndluolíu, ákveðnar matarolíur, með sem hlutlausastan ilm og fl.) vatn eða alkahól.
Varúð: Aðeins til ytri notkunar. Notið ekki óþynnta olíu. Hættið strax að nota olíuna ef þú færð ofnæmisviðbrögð. Talið við lækni fyrir notkun ef þú ert barnshafandi, með barn á brjósti, fyrir ung börn eða undir eftirliti læknis.
Búið Til ykkar eigið náttúrulegt ilmvatn úr ilmkjarnaolíum
Uppskrift hér neðst á síðunni, farið varlega og gangi ykkur vel.
Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do.
Nature is under threat and it is our duty, as individuals and as companies, to be the best possible stewards of our planet. The Nature of Things is committed to play its role. The best way we can do this is through our commitment to sustainable sourcing.
Lavender harvest in France
We only source from producers who have
Sourcing our ingredients and packaging from ethical suppliers is not enough, we also need as an
Using packaging with the highest possible recycling rate, such as glass, aluminium and paper
Limiting our operations footprint by reducing our energy and water usage
Compensating our people fairly and supporting their development
organisations that help protect the environment and promote responsible business
We are committed to support organic farming and are a certified member of the , the main organic certification body in Ireland. Being a member means for us that we support organic farming, which is a clean approach to agriculture, devoid of the use of synthetic pesticides and fungicides and others that can be harmful to the local ecosystems and pollute our soil and water systems. And organic certification provides that guarantee to consumers.
We are committed to support organic farming and are a certified member of the Irish Organic Association, the main organic certification body in Ireland. Being a member means for us that we support organic farming, which is a clean approach to agriculture, devoid of the use of synthetic pesticides and fungicides and others that can be harmful to the local ecosystems and pollute our soil and water systems. And organic certification provides that guarantee to consumers.
Our policy is that whenever possible, we will source essential oils that are organic certified and/or fair trade certified, whatever the cost. But quality and sustainability will come first as we are committed to offering the best essential oils from the most trusted suppliers.
Organic certification vs sustainability
It is important also to remember that:
- not all farmers who practice organic farming are necessarily certified so we need to look beyond certifications sometimes. It means getting to know our suppliers and understand how they are working their land. It takes a bit of listening and learning and engagement and trust.
- some plants distilled into essential oils are not farmed but collected in the wild, especially in forests. This is the case for woods such as cedar or sandalwood (like our New Caledonian quality) or gums such as frankincense and myrrh. And for these, the key is make sure the collect is managed and controlled in a way that allows for a healthy regeneration of the resource.
This is when we need to look at that broader concept of sustainability, which looks at the long term impact on the environment and the communities and the viability of the activity.

We are a proud member of 1% for the planet and as such, 1% of our total revenues every year is going to environmental causes. Our focus will be the support of organisations that are protecting biodiversity, creating vast reserves of land where animals and plants can thrive.
1% for the Planet is a global movement inspiring businesses and individuals to support environmental solutions through annual membership and everyday actions. They advise on giving strategies, certify donations and amplify the impact of our network.
Started in 2002 by Yvon Chouinard, founder of Patagonia, and Craig Mathews, founder of Blue Ribbon Flies, its members have given more than $225 million to environmental nonprofits to date. Today, 1% for the Planet is a network of more than 2,000 business members, a new and expanding core of individual members and thousands of nonprofit partners in more than 60 countries. The headquarters are located in Burlington, VT with staff located around the world.
The Nature of Things
Hér koma leiðbeiningarnar um hvernig á gera náttúrulegt ilmvatn úr ilmkjarnaolíum
farið varlega og gangi ykkur vel.
Learn how to create a natural solid perfume that you can easily take with you in your pocket, including when you're flying!
This is a 'base recipe' to create any solid perfume so we are not specifying here any particular blend of oils (scent).
The final quantity of solid perfume is small, for only one tin here, but feel free to multiply the volume of each ingredient for a bigger batch.
- 30 drops of Essential Oils
- 10gr of Beeswax
- 15ml of Almond Oil*
- double boiler
- spatula
- round tin box
- whisk (optional)
- Blend your Essential Oils in a glass or small bottle. Mix well and close or cover.
- Melt the beeswax in a double boiler
- While still on the stove at low temperature, add 15ml of almond oil and the blend of essential oils.
- Stir the mixture well
- Pour into a small tin can and let cool for at least an hour (but ideally 2-3 hours) before using.
* you can use other carrier oils but look for oils that have a neutral odour if possible. You can also blend for instance almond oil with a bit of coconut oil for a slightly different texture.